Life lessons

What makes a Hanukkah Menorah a Hanukkiah? When and how to light it

What makes a Hanukkah Menorah a Hanukkiah? When and how to light it

What makes the Hannukah Menorah different from other Menorahs? This question is sounding a bit like Passover, but really we are talking about Chanukah. The Hanukiah (Hanukkah Menorah) is a symbol of the Hanukkah miracle, the container of oil that should only have lasted one night, but burned for eight. The real miracle of course is that a bunch of random guerrilla Jews, the Maccabees, were able to avoid the destruction of our faith and thwart off the entire Syrian army. How many candles are there on a Menorah and how do you light it? Whereas the 7 branched menorah was...

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The Idiot's Guide to Rosh Hashanah

The Idiot's Guide to Rosh Hashanah

Get ready, get set... It's the longest Amidah of the entire yearThrow the honey cake in the oven and wax down your shofar. The new year is just around the corner but you won’t need party hats or noisemakers. This is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, when we celebrate life by wondering who will die by water and who by fire.With such high stakes, best to know what you’re getting into. So sit back, relax, and find a ram because 5780 is on its way.MeaningRosh Hashanah is Hebrew for “head of the year,” a two-day holiday beginning on the...

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Interview with Sara discussing her work

Interview with Sara discussing her work

Sara Beames was interviewed at ArtWalk Kingston last year by Jan Wallen.  In this video she discusses her handmade fused glass Judaica and jewelry.

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7 Fun things to do after a Jewish Wedding

7 Fun things to do after a Jewish Wedding

After the frenetic pre-wedding planning and the adrenaline rush of the big day (most likely a whole weekend of events), there are all the functional things to do like getting the dress cleaned, starting on the thank you notes and ordering your wedding photos.  But here are 7 FUN things to do once you are in post-wedding mode: Relax - most likely this was a super crazy and busy time.  It's time to chill.Eat leftover cake - Did you even get to eat at the wedding?Open the presents - This one goes without saying.Treat yourself to a spa day - It...

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Why break a glass at a Jewish Wedding?

Why break a glass at a Jewish Wedding?

What would a Jewish Wedding be without the breaking of the glass and the shouting of Mazel Tov at it's conclusion?  Many view it as the highlight of the ceremony and most certainly the cue that the party is about to begin. But what does it actually mean?  Well just like everything else in Judaism, there are multiple interpretations.  Here are some:  As a symbol of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, the glass reminds us that even during a joyous occasion there is sadness in the world. The fragility of glass is a symbol of the frailty of human relationships....

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